We empower new and aspiring Catholic physicians to live their vocation with boldness so they can offer the healing touch of Jesus Christ to every person they encounter.

We stand for the truth.
As faithful Catholics in medicine, we’re called to stand up for what is right. We don’t capitulate to social trends and popular opinion. We don’t check our conscience at the door. We believe that God has entrusted to our care the dignity of every human person, so we strive to carry the healing touch of Jesus Christ to everyone we encounter.  

We are not alone.
Every challenge we face, we face together. Though others might question our intentions and our place in medicine, we don’t lose heart. We find strength in our fellowship of brothers and sisters who remind us of who we are and give us the accountability, support, and encouragement we need to persevere. At times it is daunting to be a Catholic in healthcare, but it's the strength of our friendships in Jesus Christ that give us the endurance to run that race together. 

We are wounded healers.
Each of us needs healing ourselves to become the healers God made us to be. Instead of denying our hurts and insecurities, we open them to the healing touch of Jesus Christ. We receive His love so that it can flow through all our wounds as grace for the world. Our identity is not in our performance or our usefulness but in our free choice to meet the sufferings of others as Jesus Christ did, with love rooted in his identity as beloved.

We see the unseen.
We see each friend and patient as a beloved child of God, body and soul. This is our unique gift in the field of medicine: not to treat patients as problems to fix but human persons to encounter with all the dignity they deserve. We see each patient as an opportunity to be Jesus Christ to another person and strive to minister to their true needs, not just in the symptom of the moment. 

We speak for the silent.
We are a witness to the truth in a world that punishes those that hold unpopular beliefs. It is our unwavering voice, not our arguments or eloquence that matters most. When we speak our convictions, we are a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves—whether the unborn, elderly, poor, or disabled—and we are a voice for those who share our beliefs but are afraid to speak or don’t know what to say. Our example empowers others to hold fast to the truth and to join us as we risk to defend it together.